Mar 5, 2010
Posted by admin in Strangers | 423 Comments
a person who pretends to have friends on facebook that he or she does not actually possess who are motivated only to up their friend count. just because you said hi to someone on the street 20 years ago, that does not mean that you’re friends. and if you hated and tortured someone in high school, you can not later friend them, i promise, they still remember.
a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements so that they can get more friends on facebook.
2010; ME ipocrite < OF < LL hypocrita < Gk hypokritḗs a fake friend, equiv. to hypokrī́(nesthai) (see hypocrisy) + -tēs agent suffix
2010; ME ipocrite < OF < LL hypocrita < Gk hypokritḗs a fake friend, equiv. to hypokrī́(nesthai) (see hypocrisy) + -tēs agent suffix
—Related forms
fyp·o·crit·i·cal, adjective
fyp·o·crit·i·cal·ly, adverb
su·per·fyp·o·crite, noun
un·fyp·o·crit·i·cal, adjective
un·fyp·o·crit·i·cal·ly, adverb